Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Remarkable Tale of Pallas’ Cats on Mount Everest!



A team of on-site experts has just unearthed something remarkable and downright adorable: peculiar cats thriving on Mount Everest.


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These cats, known as Pallas’ cats or manuls, remained undiscovered until 2019, with at least two spotted around Mount Everest’s southern flank. This discovery holds immense significance for scholars and conservationists worldwide — and provides an irresistibly cute revelation for the rest of us.


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Pallas’ cats, approximately the size of typical house cats, boast endearing quirks. Their legs are exceptionally short, and their fur is thick and fluffy, giving them the appearance of chubby little stuffed animals. Despite their seemingly substantial size, they are actually smaller and lighter, primarily composed of fur that keeps them warm in winter. With an adept ability to climb steep fissures and cliff walls, it’s no wonder they’ve chosen Mount Everest as their habitat. While these wild animals are inherently dangerous and should not be kept as pets, their images alone are enough to bring joy.


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Their prominent features and large ears contribute to their cartoonish appearance as they navigate Mount Everest, going about their business.


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Dr. Tracie Seimon of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Zoological Health Programme expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “It is phenomenal to discover proof of this rare and remarkable species at the top of the world,” in a post on the Wildlife Conservation Society.


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Ongoing research aims to determine the population of Pallas’ cats on Mount Everest and develop strategies to safeguard them, ensuring they can lead their best lives in this unique environment.

source – chaosmosnews

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